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love this story/mini game and if anyone can tell me on how to get lvl 4 bravery that would be awesome cause i keep getting 3 before i go into chapter 2 so i dont get the option to tease ronnie anne 


When at lori choose give her the charger directly, you'll only get 1 heart with lori tho, me is always better than strangers

Wait you don't have to go for braveness points???


Man after playing the first chapter, now all I want to do is wait for all of it to be released to play in one go, ehhhh how long would you estimate until the full game is released? A year? Two year? I can at least wait until there's 5 chapters plus

Ps: Lincoln you lucky bastard


Wow that was really good. Good job you really nailed and improved on the characters. And the art is great


Yo Luv This Game Hopefully there will be lots of extra content & chapters

problem. I maxed .15 ver and now that I got ver 16 it will take me to menu after lucy fingering scene like I'm on ver 15. I deleted the old version. I really don't want to start all over. help


oh never mind it is just bug fixes


Didn't think I'd ever be looking forward to an update for a nsfw parody game. 10/10

not trying to be rude but what was this update for?

from 0.1.15 to 0.1.16? a little quickfix for most bugs and unpolished stuff, that’s why I didn’t even made a devlog or something. Yeah, don’t expect me to add content in less than 72 hours lol, I’m not the best programmer so sometimes I have to quickly fix stuff people find.


Soo, i started to play this game but the thing is the android version is i think buggy because, The game closes instantly after youre exploring the house and if you try loading in again it works for like 2 mins and then crashes again. Hopefully it gets fixed soon much love.

Oh I’m very sorry. I had the same problem with many RenPy games on Android, it happens when it runs out of memory (Ram) or just at random with some devices, in special older ones :( I try my best to compress all the images as much as possible without destroying the quality to avoid these cases, frame drops and improve load times in general. As well making the game lighter for mobile.

Still, the house’s map is working a little laggy for some players as reported, I’m trying to get it to work better for future releases.


Does the game have no sound? Or is it an error on my part?

Not yet, very little sound added, in special chapter 1


so it wasnt today 


The newest update was released early on the 28th.


ahh, k then


whats ur discord


I'm so hype for " Lori X Lincoln for chapter 3  . Love this update , lol

how do you know that will be chapter 3


Lori x Lincoln will be the focus for Chapter 3.

Now you know.

How many people are working on this 


Two. Myself and DMF.


Dame and its this good dammmm can't wait for chapter 3 keep up the amazing work


animated scene ? no ? go next


Just finished as much as chapter 2 content there currently is and wow


Aye yo great game am downloading it right now, thanks for this release


When is the next update? (joke) 

This was such a great update and really can't thank you enough for this masterpiece of a game, tho I do feel bad for all the comments that keep on asking "when's the next update" and must be super annoying, but anyways keep up the great work :)

(1 edit) (+6)

I will literally kiss you thats how much i love This game


That's how I feel


Yessssssss its finaly here!!!!! Thank you

When I download the 1.15 version on the page it says 1.7 in the game am I downloading the wrong version or is this just a visual problem?


Dont worry, you have the 0.1.15 as it’s the only thing uploaded to itchio rn. This means it has to be some lefover thing, were do you found that it says “0.1.7”??

In the menu it says version 1.7 idk if it's just for me. It doesn't really matter though because I think the game is updated anyway


I love this game ! hope you can continue completing it....


Its almost the 29th Yay but that doesn't mean it will be out right away right


yeah, next time, for every “when is the next update?” comment I will delay it 24 hours more


I was going to joke and ask but I have been waiting for awhile so I decided not to


You know what, I'm feeling a little bit foolish rn might ask when is the previous update coming out idk 


E possivel conseguir 10 pontos de amor com a Lynn no jogo atualmente? Ja joguei o jogo 3 vezes e não consegui


when will chapter 2 be done?



wont let me download because of file 9168123.xml. Need hel


No idea, man, probably your web browser got fucked up or something, either for extensions, or a virus in your pc


Are all the characters supposed to be 18+? Because i hope it isnt kids, thats wierd


Ever seen the cartoon I don't think there 18


They're imaginary. They don't have ages.


everyone here is a pedo


So's your mom.


Thats the best a pedo can come up with? damn you "people" are just sad kys


Okay Incel.


Yo your game is cool, I'm impatiently waiting for the sequel


Hey guys how many hours did you play???


when will chapter 2 be finished?



(1 edit) (+2)(-3)

TBF you said chapters would release quicker than the first (5 months or so) due to having had to redrawn sprites, however it seems chapters have grown much larger so it would make sense not to be sure if this is the case


We always end up adding more to the script, which is why the completion of Chapter 2 has taken longer.

(3 edits) (+2)(-1)

This really went to shit...seems you're both getting pissed due to answering the same questions by the same people over and over which is a surefire way to burnout while quickly getting pissed off at fans or trolls or whatever they are which will then piss them off and likely turn some of them away. I've been here awhile but have little to no idea who you even are (I think you said you're a writer or something somewhere below?) and while your reply to me was fine wasting your time on the fools seems to have drastically soured the overall vibe here and I'm not for it at all. Do what you like obviously but what a stark contrast to a few months back when DMF actually seemed happy compared to now threatening to delay each update per person that asks "When?" all this does is show trolls wanting the game to fail that all they have to do is ask multiple times on multiple alt accounts and not only will it delay the update by an entire day each but also each of the following updates back a day not to mention also stressing you both out while driving you mental. No idea why the down votes but whatever, been around these games long enough to know it's either trolls or people who couldn't be bothered to read through and assume I'm attacking you or something. Still like the game just haven't played in awhile to ensure lots of content between playthroughs. Idk Argentinian laws but isn't it a bad idea to tell people where the game is being made, due to law crazed fed and other crazies? Also probably doesn't matter but I found another typo, it's in the description of the newest update, "📱 Fixed dialog lines were the frame was smaller than the text on Android." should be where.


Hahaha it’s ok man, I guess it wasn’t obvious, I’m sorry for that, but I was joking with “I’m delaying the update every time someone asks when”, lol.

The old DMF and the current one is the same human, don’t worry for me. I will continue working to ensure that future updates are deployed on time. About how long the chapters are… yeah… it took damn more time than I expected, its very long! and you can just notice it just by looking at how many thumbnails the gallery menu have for each chapter!

If multi million dollar companies making multiple AAA games sometimes get their scopes wrong with the releases dates, image how it can be for a dev like me, working on my first videogame from my house lol.

I’m glad you are enjoying this game so far! thanks for the heads up on the typo!


I'm not reading all of that. I'm happy and or sad that happened for you.

Is it 29th or February?


January, in less than a week

Deleted 1 year ago

When it's finished.
More likely? February.


When is next update?


The 29th


6 more days


Very nice game cant wait how this will look like in the future 10/10


I Like it. Although im from Brazil. I do Recommend it


US Code of Federal regulations title 18 Section 1466A subsec. 2(a)(b)

(1 edit) (+10)

Guess it's a good thing the game is created in Argentina and is composed of 18+ year old actors portraying the characters from the Cartoon Loud House.

Besides that, it would have to breach Obscenity laws, which means the work has to have zero artistic value. But I write a pretty good storyline, so you'd have a hard time proving the work has zero artistic value.


This game is great. Can't wait for chapter 2, and beyond...


Played through chapter 1 and holding off until chapter 2 is done. Very sick VN, can't wait to see more. hope you two don't feel too rushed/overloaded trying to meet peoples 'demands'. 10/10

No me funciono este juego siempre cuando llego se me sale juego el doy 4/10 no me funciona 😓👎👎


Qué error tiene? en que plataforma intentás jugar? puedo ayudarte

ok es que cuando llego a  lusi se me quita

Ok, algun detalle o algo? jugas en el telefono? Lucy aparece 1000 veces, no puedo ayudarte sin mas detalles.


Você terminará o capítulo 2 na próxima atualização?(29/1)


Not yet, I will make sure to make a big announcement for when the full chapter is ready, it will be the 0.2.0 version.

Btw even the embed link here is telling me "unable to accept"

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