love this game just wished we had more free time or could skip certain things like the lucy act to go finish some of the other girls scenes because once it hits that certain time you cant do anything at all until the next update comes
Great game, can't wait for the next public update for chapter 3.
On a seperate note how do I get the second gallery picture for chapter 1? I've replayed like 5 times and still haven't gotten it, am I missing something or doing the wrong replys?
Eu amei a história desse jogo. Mas imagino que estão trabalhando já no capítulo 3, dá pra fazer as coisas só com a Lynn e a Lucy mesmo?ou vocês colocaram mais algum personagem que com uma interação especial?
no se quien traduce el juego, pero estoy seguro de que es argentino.
PD: buen trabajo es un buen juego con arte hermosa y buena historia se siente como algo echo por un muy buen fan o una persona que conoce como se hicieron las primeras temporadas sigan así y no le hagan caso a la gente que los apura, todos los que esperamos no quisiéramos algo incompleto o con muchos fallos por ser hecho a las apuradas
Amazing game, it shows the work there's been behind and the "VisualNovel-OpenWorld" scheme it has really suits the game.
The art is perfect; the way it keeps the serie's backgrounds and redesigns the characters is perfect in every way, making it more pleasant to enjoy reading the story, watching the scenes or watching the character's expresions.
Dialogs are also great, even tho there are some minimal errors with names about capital letters (ej: Lucy, lucy, This...), but story-wise is perfect, it goes at the perfect pace to enjoy both a good plot and the lewd it offers, really wish this project can carry on.
Please keep the work up because this is beautiful to read.
Edit: forgot to say I'm thankfull there's no Lily lewds, even tho I'd like a minigame with her (finding her, doing puzzles, something like that). Also, I wanted to spend some money in this just to realize I can't :(
2nd Edit: Also forgot to say that the references are perfect, please add more
Epic. No words for how banger this turned out, also unexpected lmao since I'm kinda reluctant to try this. But hey it ended up well, pretty amazing game.
El juego está muy bueno , los dibujos son bonitos , la historia va tomando un rumbo interesante y la música va con cada momento de los capítulos , espero que el juego avance sin muchos problemas y que se cumplan las ideas que tienen para el juego uwu ❤️
That's ok. I'm willing to wait as long as it takes. I just want to make sure that when the game is finished, I know right away instead of missing the full release by several months.
I really like the artstyle of this game, the story is really immersive and I enjoy every moment of it, though I would like to see more chapters.
If I were to give some feedback, I would say add music or anything...the eerie silence of just reading kinda makes me nervous. There's literally no sound whatsever just...silence. Also if you are looking for voice actors I would gladly sign myself up.
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Estoy ansioso de saber que historias tengas los demás capítulos , que pasaría con las hermanas , la madre y Ronnie ! ෆ
Lo mismo no puedo esperar a ver qué pasa con las hermanas, la mamá y Ronnie y
I wanted to know when the game update will come out so the purpose of chapter 2 is to go to chapter 3, you know?
PS: translate it into Brazilian Portuguese, of course, if you want
We update the game at the end of every month.
OK, thanks
is chapter 2 almost done?
Chapter 2 has been completely written. It's in the process of having the final parts given art and coding.
love this game just wished we had more free time or could skip certain things like the lucy act to go finish some of the other girls scenes because once it hits that certain time you cant do anything at all until the next update comes
make the first chapter free
it is free wdym
You can click: “No, thanks, show me the download links.” the whole game is and will be free ;)
my bad
crazy how good this game is
when will the next update be
Great game, can't wait for the next public update for chapter 3.
On a seperate note how do I get the second gallery picture for chapter 1? I've replayed like 5 times and still haven't gotten it, am I missing something or doing the wrong replys?
It's Lincoln and Lynn hugging, I think you have to do everything in school and then try to go home on tuesday/wednesday.
Edit: yeah, before the 2nd race with Lynn you have to grab the 10$ on the floor in school, and after the race say the 2nd option. Hope it helped
Thank you!
Eu amei a história desse jogo. Mas imagino que estão trabalhando já no capítulo 3, dá pra fazer as coisas só com a Lynn e a Lucy mesmo?ou vocês colocaram mais algum personagem que com uma interação especial?
Lori x Lincoln será o foco do Capítulo 3.
What the fuck I lost all my save progress, i was all the way through chapter one and as far as you could go into chapter 2 wtf
no se quien traduce el juego, pero estoy seguro de que es argentino.
PD: buen trabajo es un buen juego con arte hermosa y buena historia se siente como algo echo por un muy buen fan o una persona que conoce como se hicieron las primeras temporadas sigan así y no le hagan caso a la gente que los apura, todos los que esperamos no quisiéramos algo incompleto o con muchos fallos por ser hecho a las apuradas
Hola, además de dibujar y programar el juego, tambien lo traduzco! y si, soy Argentino jajaja. ¡Me alegro de que el uego te esté gustando, gracias!
Ronnie anne was the part that keep me on going.
is it just me that found Lucy booring?
God, as the writer, I hope it's only you.
Link to Discord?
i think there is one in game. on the title screen maybe?
Oh, maybe you're right. Might look into it
The link to the Discord only works within the game itself now.
Hey DMF, you didn't change the second link above your friends' games, just so you know
hey ererer-ers! back with another funny name
the coffin of linc and lynn
Great alternative name tbh
Can't really imagine what that would look like...
It says join the discord bUT I can't find the link. Honestly I'm invested so I need up to current info 🙏
no way the Alabama House?
Sir, this game takes place in Michigan thank you. We're just as capable of Incest as Alabama is, and more!
Ayyyy yes sirr us Michigan humans are just as capable of incest
Heh good one
Is chapter 2 done or almost done?
Short answer no it is not done
We're hoping to have Chapter 2 out at the end of the month. It's been completely written.
Do we know which sister will be for chapter 3 or is that still being decided?
Lori x Lincoln will be the focus for Chapter 3.
Es un buen juego con una historia que te engancha bastante bien, cuando sea posible podrías traducir el capitulo dos en español?
Un saludo desde México xd
Gracias! Si, yo mismo traduzco el juego al Español, pero espero a terminar el capitulo 2 entero antes, por cuestiones técnicas.
Amazing game, it shows the work there's been behind and the "VisualNovel-OpenWorld" scheme it has really suits the game.
The art is perfect; the way it keeps the serie's backgrounds and redesigns the characters is perfect in every way, making it more pleasant to enjoy reading the story, watching the scenes or watching the character's expresions.
Dialogs are also great, even tho there are some minimal errors with names about capital letters (ej: Lucy, lucy, This...), but story-wise is perfect, it goes at the perfect pace to enjoy both a good plot and the lewd it offers, really wish this project can carry on.
Please keep the work up because this is beautiful to read.
Edit: forgot to say I'm thankfull there's no Lily lewds, even tho I'd like a minigame with her (finding her, doing puzzles, something like that). Also, I wanted to spend some money in this just to realize I can't :(
2nd Edit: Also forgot to say that the references are perfect, please add more
Epic. No words for how banger this turned out, also unexpected lmao since I'm kinda reluctant to try this. But hey it ended up well, pretty amazing game.
El juego está muy bueno , los dibujos son bonitos , la historia va tomando un rumbo interesante y la música va con cada momento de los capítulos , espero que el juego avance sin muchos problemas y que se cumplan las ideas que tienen para el juego uwu ❤️
any plans to add a feature to swap between new and old style lincoln portraits?
Could you mabye add narrator?
What do you mean by a Narrator?
He mean to add a Voice that narrates what everyone is doing
I think that's what he is asking
I mean that the games talks/says/reads the text that is at the bottom of the screen
If it’s for accessibility reasons:
If it’s just for the sake of voicing the game, then no, there are more important things to do in the development of the game.
I don't want to rush you or anything but I would love to know when the next update might come out?
We update at the end of every month. Alternating between Supporter and Public Updates.
Hey could someone reply to this comment when the game is completely finished so I can play the finished project plz?
You're probably going to be waiting a few years. Chapter 2 is nearly complete and took us about 6 months.
That's ok. I'm willing to wait as long as it takes. I just want to make sure that when the game is finished, I know right away instead of missing the full release by several months.
Esta versión 1.1.16, contiene todo en español o habrá otra qué ya traiga todo el contenido en español.??
Cuando el capítulo esté completo, ya va a venir traducido por mi.
everytime I go to my files I can’t open the game am I dumb or am I doing something wrong?
I really like the artstyle of this game, the story is really immersive and I enjoy every moment of it, though I would like to see more chapters.
If I were to give some feedback, I would say add music or anything...the eerie silence of just reading kinda makes me nervous. There's literally no sound whatsever just...silence. Also if you are looking for voice actors I would gladly sign myself up.
My favourite part has to be the twins :)
When will be next chapter? This is best game i have even played, fucking nice. I cant wait for new chapter, soo thanks for reply when it will be.
wonderful as always, don't be in a rush to finish the chapters and may your life on this earth be as wonderful as this game
When is chapter 2 coming out
I'm going to Hell
Dog we may be going to hell, so lets go smiling
Fantasy isn't reality, these people aren't real and they aren't your family.
me to
Wait , 0.1.16 version update ? Bug fix
Yes, some fixes from 0.1.15, nothing too important. So, if your last played version was older than 0.1.15, then yes, there is new content
Take your time it finish chapter 2 . No one rushing you to finish it faster , love the game ❤️
cant wait for chapter 2 this game so good
whats your discord dmf?
dmf im retarded as fuck i cant find the embed for the server (also if you banned me im unhacked now i apologize for what happened)
nevermind theres a server invite ingame
ok i got banned can you pwetty pwease unban me? discord is literally jsust bittiebo
This is unironically so funny, I was cracking up like crazy
Esperemos que terminen el capítulo 2 en español pronto