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how do i play this?

if you're on pc, extract the .zip archive and double click the game. If you're on android download the .apk and launch it. It should then appear on your homescreen as an app



im a demon bru ima a goon bra im ravinus bro

Hola una sola pregunta si esta listo el dos para los que apoyan si es asi para hacerme patrocinador

El capitulo completo? Aun no, pero si salió una update el día 31


if anyone like me is waiting for chp 2 to be completed and for public it's best to check back every few weeks if it's not done at that time they'll probably be done by Christmas also there probably won't do holiday stuff yet until they finish the story and that's if they will put holiday stuff in the future but for now let's injoy the wait

(1 edit) (+8)

For anyone reading:

Next public version (0.1.13) will be ready on November 31 OR before

That's good to know 


You are doing a good job 👍


How is the development going for ch 2? It's been on 75% for awhile now.


The thibg is… we advance but we also add more stuff to the To Do list so the percentage remains similar but the content continues growing lol. Latest update finished day 4 of 6. Working on day 5 atm

Well as long as i get a sign of life thats more than enough for me keep up the good work :D 


I want to ask a question. How old are the characters canonically? 

not sure why that matters if you already know they are loli's also I think their about the same age as they are in the show


what are you talking about? they are +18 even in the show! smh…

(1 edit)

That was kinda my point but they look younger than they are which makes them lolis it's not an age thing 

Canonically speaking all of the characters are 18+ year old actors who are playing the characters of "The Lewdest House".


is there sex

If you played you'd know there is




will there be light femdom in this game ?


Hopefully and probably not


imean lola has those vibes, you now what i mean ?.
if any it wuld be her (in my opinion)

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

I get that but I don't think that's the kind of thing the dev is going for the future plans Should be on the main page 


ive looked on the discord and sub and dom is boath planed as well as roleplay

(2 edits) (+3)

Yes, there may/will be, but Lola isnt the case. It would probably be optional tho. Its not like someone will torture Lincoln’s balls or something lol


I'll wait if the update is done

the game is good 


there better not be a scene for lola and lana.


There isn't yet but there will be


Para cuando el mini mini 👻


I guess i'll download it to see what it is, and yes i know what im getting into and yes, i will have regrets

You might not have any regrets being that they haven't finished the story for Lucy yet


ay your not wrong but... the description is what's tempting me to call the police

the dev said they are all 18+ well except lily but she's the only one you can't do anything with so it's fine


I mean, if we read a GTA game’s description should we call the police? or an action movie were fictitious characters are getting killed? what about a illegal street racing videogame?

  • Fiction is fiction.
  • Real life is real life.
(1 edit) (+1)

those are good arguments plus there's nothing illegal about this game since all characters are 18 except the one you can't date and they are all concenting 

Within the Countries where DMF and I reside this type of production is 100% legal. Protected by First Amendment status within the U.S.A.


Is there any estimate on how long we have to wait for Luan scenes?

(1 edit) (+4)

Chapter 3 is not for her, but chapter 4 will have everyone in bikinis AND Luan is my personal favorite so I will make sure to draw some nice stuff for her <3


Dmf lil typo there I'm sure you meant in bikinis



(1 edit) (+3)

Will there any NSFW scene between ' Lori and Lincoln or Ronnie Anne ? ..... Just curious


of course, in special during chapter 3

hi ! It happens that the game crashes, what is the reason for this? fix play

Did I understood that right, every character has a scene already?


Like… nsfw scenes? No, Only Lynn, and some Lucy. But everyone already have at least one (sfw) free roam (or linear story) interaction, many of them including their own CGs/Minicomics


hello developers of this good game, there was one problem during the passage on android, your game crashes constantly

Hi, that’ weird, you had an older version installed before playing the last one? Also as personal experience, sometimes that happens with some renpy/unity games on older devices, or with almost no free space after installing


Amazing start, with so much potential, only problem I've found is with Lincolns chubby hips,  I mean nothing wrong with a little weight, but Linc is a skinny little man. But other than that, the characters are lovely, story is well flushed out, and everyone seems to be pretty perfect.

Hi ! I want to help you for translating the game in french, can i contact you on discord for exemple ?

hello DMF author,may l ask if this will support Chinese in the future?It's tiring to use a translater。


We write the game in English, and I personally translate it to Spanish. Other translations (Like Russian) are made by volunteers. If you know someone who wants to help, tell them and I will happily provide the translation files


Checking Trello daily for the chapter two finish. I Love my lil goth sister. Need her scene soon! Hahahaha

Deleted 1 year ago

chapter 3’s main girl is already chosen, and… its easily guessable… (It’s Lori, Lincoln will go to Great Lakes City with Lori.)

(3 edits)

Figured tbh I knew it had to be either Lori or Lenny speaking of  ik who will be the focus for chapter 4 but I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't guessed yet

Hey, I barely remember it, but I think I either got a virus alert once or it was just the virus total think. However there I heard it's normal for Renpy, any thought on that?

(2 edits) (+2)

Its a false positive on your end, I guess your antivirus just stops “any software that wasn’t made by a major corpo” or similar. Like on Android, depending on your settings, it wont install (or even download) apps that aren’t from the PlayStore.

Edit: Of course, assuming you downloaded the game from itchio, No idea about 3rd party uploads


Hey man, keep up the great work. I love this game.


Q1: As Winanje, how to get 4 bravery?
Q2: Is there some kind of time-limit? Chapter 2 has multiple interactions. Yet we need time (and maybe luck) to interact with specific sister to start/continue plot. I don't know if we are limited by time (days) or by some specific event-interaction.


Yeah Q2 has me a bit confused as well… there are multiple sisters to interact with and while some events aren’t implemented yet or not progressed enough to go further with yet there are still some events it seems that we have to pick and choose from so it’s confusing me if we miss out on some (if so, do they circle back later?) or can we get them all and if so, is there a specific order we have to do them in or can we just go to whatever ones we like first or (from what I kinda think it seems to be) are story events mixed in but make us skip the others if we choose one of those first or are they all story events (some are likely side content for the main content with said sister(s) but Idk)


Hi, there is a quick guide for chapter 1, I will make something better later after finishing CH2

About “missing out content” Each character, has their own free roam interactions happening in order, (“lynn1”, “lynn2”, “lynn3”…) same with sex scenes, so if you pick a girl over another during a free roam section, you won’t miss out anything, it will always start from 1 (so, if you DON’T pick Lynn on the first day, you will still be able to see her 1st interaction on another day). If the are not more free roam interactions for a girl (for example, Lisa has only 1 like most of the atm) after interacting once, she will “disappear”, so there are no “repeats”, and will be back after we add more interactions with her, etc…

The chapter isn’t finished atm, so there aren’t enough free roam sections to see everything in a single run. but it will be when its finished, so nobody misses on anything on the game. <3

Okay thanks DMF!

I mostly understand now but if we miss a brave option (does it skip a scene temporarily or a different conversation? How do we make up for not having enough bravery or love if we’ve already passed a scene?

Spoiler below for a more in-depth example

For example I missed the option to say Ronny Ann should be the one in the towel next time instead of Linky so would I need to go back in the same/another play-through to see what happens or nah? Also does one matter more than the other at least at certain times or checkpoints? Like is Bravery always the better option and Love is more of an end-goal or more of a fine balance?


its still very early in the game, so there won’t be too much difference between farming ONLY bravery or ONLY love points at this point… So far, during Ronnie Ann calls, using the right/bravery required options will give you Ronnie Love Points, there aren’t any scenes with her for now…

I will make a very detailed walkthrough with images after finishing this chapter.

Thanks again. Might just consult the walkthroughs for chapters in the future but if nothing can be missed I’ll just pick what seems like the bet outcome or mot interesting and see how it goes

I’m not looking for nor interested in spoilers, so I won’t ask which sister will be featured in which chapter, however when it comes to deciding that and then putting it all together do you brainstorm and adjust as you go or do you have a rough idea of how you’d like things to play out or is it as simply as whatever the subs vote?


How do you get 4 bravery by the time you reach chapter 2?

(2 edits)

Most choices in dialogue result in different affection outcomes from +1-+2 hearts/Love or so to +1♥️ for each sister to +1 bravery and possibly a ♥️ as well. So, try each option in conversations and you should be able to reach it… I missed the last bravery checkpoint as well since I thought I’d need another heart for one of the sisters and when I realized I didn’t feel like going back through at the time… hopefully I didn’t miss a scene but I probably did lol


I don't have any money is there anyway that I can help out with the coding or no


This game has some heart I didn't see coming. The personal conversations are great. I'm particularly really fond of both Lynn's perspective of measuring herself by the personal achievement than the result, and the way the conversation in the kitchen with Luan was handled. It felt like an actual helpful thing to be said to someone in that kind of situation. 

Also its funny.

I came for a guilty pleasure. I stayed for silly, meaningful interactions and a guilty pleasure. Good shit.


will chapter 2 be translated into Russian ?

I hope so! When the chapter is finished, I will prepare the files for anyone to translate, including Russian, of course.


Thank you very much


The best part of the game for me are the large amount of meme references in the game.


im so exited for a new version this so much years i watch the entire series on tv but a game ? i can say at leats its not so bad i want a new version to come out like right so i can enjoy a bit more your a great developer thanks for you hard work

(1 edit) (+3)

Amazing game! Can you please not have ntr stuff with the sisters in relationships, make Lori's chapter have plot where her bf breaks up with her or have Luna be in an open relationship something like that. Or can you make the cheating dialogue and artwork toggleable in the settings. The story or dialogue doesn't even need to make sense with the ntr cut out I'd just really prefer not to have to see it. Anyway great game looking forward to future updates!

(1 edit) (+4)

We already made sure that there wont be any NTR (or any of its variations) in the future ;)


Ur a goat. You just convinced me imma sub to your patreon now


Thank you! sadly, I only have Fanbox, and SubscribeStar hasn’t accepted my profile yet. I had a Patreon for some time but got banned eventually

Alright bet so subbing through fanbox is good or should I wait till your subscribestar profile is up, does it matter or are they basically the same thing?


Im ok with fanbox, but started a subscribestar because most people dont know/are used to fanbox that much. Still, my subscribestar profile has been in the waiting list limbo/hell for a year now so I dont have much options to play favorites lol

Thanks you for this


Loved it, though I didn't know it was based on a show until I was watching cartoons the next day 😅


Awesome game, although I do hope there's a bit more 1 on 1 time with each sibling before the whole harem thing 😁


Amazing game, everything looking absolutely astonishing! I wish to live up to the moment it will be finished


I really love this game, def one of my favorites. Hope to see more content soon (not too soon, no rush), it has great potenitial

Ese es el erro qué me sale

Ya e buscado el erro y dice que es que el usuario blokea el acceso o el control parental y no tengo ninguna de esas cosas pues la cuenta de Google es mía 

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